What is Visian ICL?

The Visian ICL is a phakic intraocular lens that is put in place during refractive surgery for myopia correction. The ICL does not replace the eye’s lens, like the lenses put in during cataract surgery, but rather is a lens put in between the iris and the natural lens of the eye. Thus, it is…

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Do you ever see children with crossed eyes? It’s likely that you are seeing a condition called strabismus which is most common in children and affects about 4% of Americans. It is when one eye is in one direction, while the other is turned in another.  There are three different types of strabismus:  Accommodative Esotropia…

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Digital eye strain in children

Online learning has risen significantly over the past 2 years.Distance learning has outpaced enrollment for the first time in history as a consequence of the pandemic.With online learning becoming a necessity in some parts of the country, digital eye strain no longer affects adults and has become an issue for children across the world.Teachers are…

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Dr. Andrew Johnson speaks in Monterey, TN.

Part of our mission at ECOTN is to educate our audience as much as possible. Giving our patients the knowledge to make better decisions allows two things to happen. The first reason is that it allows our patients to embrace a better quality of life. Educating our communities allows them to make better decisions and…

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Diabetic Macular Edema

Diabetic Macular Edema occurs when there is a buildup of fluid in the eye. The fluid accumulates in the retina, particularly the macula. This is the area of the eye that allows us to have a precise, detailed vision. Therefore, when the fluid buildup occurs, usually due to damage in the blood vessels causing them…

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Have you met Dr. Kelsey Elliott in McMinnville?

If you aren’t from McMinnville, then it’s hard to see just how amazing the southern end of the Upper Cumberland can be. Situated just south of Sparta and Smithville, McMinnville is just a few minutes from Rock Island State Park and other local treasures. While most of our McMinnville patients know Dr. Norman Rone has…

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INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT GLAUCOMA:Glaucoma is caused by high pressure in the eye, which can be tested for by your Optometrist at regular checkups. No fancy tests are needed, and it doesn’t hurt! There is a special device that simply goes against the eyeball and tests the pressure. If glaucoma is detected in the early stages, vision…

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Surgical quotes for Ophthalmologists.

Many of us resort to reading motivational or inspirational quotes at some point in our lives to keep motivation or condense thoughts. Everyone, at some point in life, needs some kind of inspiration if we are to keep moving forward.  Motivational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus…

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What is the difference between Optometry and Ophthalmology?

Succinctly put, optometry is “the practice or profession of examining the eyes for visual defects and prescribing corrective lenses.” While on the other hand, ophthalmology is “the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of disorders and diseases of the eye.”What I can say from personal experience is that optometrists are amazing at recognizing…

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1. There are different types of cataract. The most common type is called a nuclear cataract and is found in individuals over 40. This formation occurs mainly in the center of the eye.Another type of cataract is called a cortical cataract. This cataract is often wedge-shaped and develops at the edge of the lens instead of the center.A posterior subcapsular cataract generally forms…

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