Apr 23, 2019
ECOTN and Fair Park Partner to Provide Senior Transportation Services
At Eye Centers of Tennessee, we couldn’t have been happier to help our friends at Fair Park Senior Center raise enough money to purchase a brand new van to help with their transportation needs.
Here’s the problem Fair Park told us about:
“Since the senior population in Cumberland County is rapidly growing, Fair Park has identified a crucial need in this community. With the problems inherent with age, such as decreasing vision, poor reflexes, and isolation, seniors are more prone than any other population to live alone and thereby lose access to vitally needed services as well as socialization with their peers.”
Part of our mission at Eye Centers of Tennessee is to be a driving change for good across our region, and when we partner with organizations like Fair Park, we’re able to realize that mission in an even more impactful way.
Fair Park averages serving 111 senior citizens on a daily basis, and 28,929 seniors participated in Fair Park programs and activities in 2018 alone. Those are incredible numbers that reflect a growing transportation need.
“Since many are simply unable to provide transportation for themselves due to health, age, or financial status; providing transportation helps keep our seniors active and engaged in our community.”
Now, our friends at Fair Park are the proud owners of a 2019 Ford Transport Van!
With it, Fair Park “participants enjoy trips to a variety of historic, educational, and recreational facilities throughout the year. The van is also used (at minimum) bi-monthly for Second Harvest Food Bank trips to provide meals for our seniors. We also use the van for fundraisers, and for special programs such as Senior Olympics and the Visually Impaired Support Group.”
For more information regarding Fair Park’s Van Program call 931-484-7416 or email them at [email protected].
Fair Park Senior Center is located in Crossville at 1433 Livingston Road.